
How to make a beautiful body

May 26, 2018

How to make a beautiful body 

This Woman Gave Up Her Restrictive Diet and Intense Exercise Regimen–and Feels Happier and Stronger Than Ever

Personal trainer Courtney Black used to pretty much live on veggies and kill herself doing tiring workouts. No surprise, her diet and food regimen made her "unhealthy, unhappy, and angry."

Less than three years of deciding to eat more and switching up her exercise routine, the UK resident took to Instagram to share a few transformation photos and explain how her decision to stop restricting her food intake and overdo it at the gym has now made her "happy and healthy." 

In the left photo, Black describes her diet at the time: yogurt for breakfast; a protein shake, chicken breast and veggies for lunch and extra veggies if she got hungry later. She gave up sugar, alcohol and cheat meals, and her workouts were incredibly exhaustive.healthgreb

“I would make sure I burned more than I ate,” she said, writing that she wouldn't get off the treadmill until she torched at least a thousand calories. As a result, she was "unhappy, unhealthy, faint, food deprived, angry, [and in] bad relationships,” Black wrote.

Now, her revamped meal plan consists of oats with banana and protein; a post-workout shake, chicken, rice and veggies; and fish, sweet potatoes and veggies. She also snacks on almonds, rice cakes, protein bars, and other whole, satisfying foods. While she still does some cardio, she’s incorporated HIIT and weight lifting, among other workouts.

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