
How to Long Should I Wait After a Cold to Hang Out with People Again?

February 14, 2018

  How to Long Should I Wait After a Cold to Hang Out with                                               People Again?

Here's how you can say the truth quickly, "Do not worry, I'm not inconvenience."

https://healthgreb.blogspot.com December 04, 2017
Holiday season is all about sharing: warm depths with family and friends, food, spreading pleasant,  and indispensable, spreading cold and flu insects. 
But should you leave it all fun? Because you have left a cold or flu under winter? Unless you have to sweat the bullets with fever and when you get rid of cough, then armed with pockets of Ricola's pockets, can not harm it to join the party?

Related: Which illness you are: cold, flu, or some alice?

Experts say that not so fast.

"Generally, symptoms of cold / flu can occur for about a week to ten days," says MD, MD, Margarita Ruh, of internal medicine at NYU Langone Health. "One day before the beginning of symptoms, you are the most expensive, five to seven days after the symptoms begin. In some cases, you may still be expensive for two weeks after the start of symptoms."

Translation: Although you may feel better, it does not mean you are better, and although you say well, you do not make any happiness in spreading your illnesses. Health says, simply plainly, a disease expert, Cleveland clinic, MD, Sheriff Mousadad, MD, says health, just says "you still feel below the weather," you seriously find yourself Should consider

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Advice Dr. Rohro: "If in an ideal world, it would be better to avoid social activities for 5-7 days, it would be better if someone does not want to spend the holidays on vacation. Help your friends and colleagues. After the start of symptoms. To get back to work, I'll wait for a feast for 24 hours. If you feel weak or you get rid of it and eat significantly You eat, you will stay home only. "And does not control your fever with etmonamen or ibropropone, either: you are still contradictory even if you have your status The patient is using the patient to reduce the rays, says Dr Rohar.

If you have to face your face when you are regulating, at least come from a good cold / flu example. Pack your travel size from the clinics ($ 4; https://healthgreb.blogspot.com) and hide your face when you snatch or cough. Dr. Mossad says "best in a disposable tissue, second one in your womb". "Do not snatch or snatch in your hand."

Related: 5 Symptoms You are very sick to work

Remember to wash your hand, especially after touching your eyes, nose, or mouth, and especially before aunt gets wet with Jane. And it was evidently evident that you do not get cold or flu particles on food. "When a sick person gets sprouted or scratched, the virus can go up to 6 feet."

And if you look at the other aspect of equality, hand over the nose runner in the office holiday, and then feel that you slow down and jump next morning? Dr Roh explains, relax, but try to encourage you to assign the allegations: It's actually 2-3 days, and sometimes a week to deal with developing symptoms. So you picked it up from someone else in the week. Gray.


Y si miras el otro aspecto de la igualdad, pasas el corredor de la nariz en las vacaciones de oficina y luego sientes que bajas la velocidad y saltas a la mañana siguiente. El Dr. Roh explica, relájese, pero intente alentarlo a que asigne las alegaciones: en realidad son dos o tres días, y algunas veces una semana, para tratar los síntomas en desarrollo. Así que lo recogió de otra persona en la semana. Gray.

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